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The last month was very exciting for us. We are very proud of that you could meet us in many media channel in this period of time.

Mentioning only a few, we appeared on the page of the daily newspaper Világgazdaság, the magazine Üzlet & Utazás and the internet portal Profitline.

It is our distinct pleasure for us that the radio Karc Fm, Trend Fm and Retro Radio also looked us up for an interview.

Among others, it was written about us in the press:

 What should we look out for the personal income tax declaration of the year 2020?

Here is how to declare 1+1 percent of your tax

There has been no change in the personal income tax (SZJA) declaration in recent years, but it will soon be due again, so it is therefore worth re-ingemulating the relevant deadlines and legislation. As in previous years, the tax authority will prepare a draft tax return for 2020 for all individuals in 2021, which will be available on the eSZJA page from 15 March. 

The individual can amend, supplement or prepare his own declaration on the 20SZJA form by the deadline of 20 May 2021.

It is highly worthwhile to check more closely the tax benefits and voluntary private pension fund benefits in the draft tax return. If you are unable to verify the draft or prepare your tax return, it is recommended that you contact an accountant to have the draft checked or your personal income tax return prepared.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected almost every acreage in life, but this does not cause any particular upheaval in the personal income tax return, as it has already been possible to submit it electronically in recent years. Moreover, since the draft tax return was introduced, there has been no essential change in the process.

Marianna Kiss, the managing director of MASC Kft., pointed out that if the individual does not submit, electronically or on paper, a personal income tax return from last year and does not amend, complete or approve the draft, then after the deadline of 20 May 2021, the authority considers that the taxpayer agrees with the draft, the draft will become final, so this will be the personal income tax return of the individual.

As she put it, the draft tax return prepared by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) will be available to individuals from 15 March 2021. If someone has not yet fulfilled the tax return obligation, they can also request its return by text message, electronically or by post up to this date.

In the draft tax return, it is highly worthwhile to check the benefits of mothers with four children, first-time married, family tax base, personal and voluntary fund. If the individual is also a member of any of health and pension funds and is entitled to a refund from both funds, it is absolutely necessary to declare in the draft which cashier to return the total refundable benefit from the two funds.” explained the expert.

Marianna Kiss pointed out that there are several ways to declare 1+1 percent of the tax, but since the e-declaration allowed the taxpayer not to look at his or her tax return, since NAV does it instead, many people forget to declare it.

“There are several ways to declare 1+1 percent of the tax, firstly online at the same time as the draft tax return is approved, or even on a separate form, which can be sent electronically or by post to the tax authorities,” she said.

If you do not declare 1+1 percent of your taxes, your money remains in the exchequer.

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