During the activity of your enterprise, many documents are produced, which you even need to get to your accountant? Is accountancy an opalatable jungle for you? Don’t worry about any of them! We can provide sufficient support for you, so you can focus entirely on your profession and business. We work quickly, discreetly and up-to-date. As a result of it, we can help you making decisions with important and accurate data.
Tax advice, tax planning
An honest-run enterprise can’t avoid paying tax. But it is not all the same that when and how much has to be paid. We review the economic processes of your enterprise, and we will inform you in advance of the expected tax liabilities. If you require this service on time, a carefully implemeted preliminary tax planning can reduce the amount of the tax liability and significant tax savings can be achieved.
Payroll and labour
It is important that your employees are always paid on time and on the basis of accurate accounting. We provide the professional background for this – we always work quickly, accurately and discreetly

I recommend the office, because it is fully reliable.I recommend it, because here I am considered as a partner. They work precisely and responsibly. I recommend them, because whatever questions I have in connenction with my company, they will look into it and answer it. If you want to keep yourself or your company in safe, go to the MASC.
Patonay Judit, Ördögkonyha Kft.
Representation at official controls
Is the National Tax and Customs Administration checking your enterprise? Are you summoned to a witness hearing tot he tax authority? Instead of unnecessary nervousness, use this service of ours: we prepare you for what can be expected, if you request so, we accompany or represent you or your enterprise. If you have been through these happenings but the audit had an unfavourable result, after receiving the tax report ask for our assistance immediately!
Operation of a social security disbursement agency
If your company is with a workforce of more than 100 employes, you must ensure that the cash benefits of health insurance are accounted for and paid to workers locally at your own social security disbursement agency. As well as this public service is required by law, employees will appreciate that they receive the benefits /e.g. sickness benefit/ much sooner than from the National Health Insurance Found.
Performance of personal specialized tasks
If the number of employees is high in an enterprise, the tasks in the field of personal affairs are also more demanding. We can fully manage the organization and smooth operation of this professional field, even in a company with 12.000 employees.
Human resource (HR) consulting
In your business, most problems often caused not by machines and equipment but the staff. Is the working atmosphere poor? Are the collegues unable to work together? Is the productivity low? Prevent staffing problems: do not employ incompetent workforce! We can also help you with your staff selection.