The accountant: Friend or enemy?

Today, in Hungary, most entrepreneurs think of their accountant as a necessary evil: required by law to have an accountant, but it is only the executor of the law. Its fee is paid the entrepreneur, but does not bring benefits to him. That is why the profession of accountant is negatively judged here, in our country. But it shouldn’t be like this!

The mission of MASC is to bring the clean and white economy of the future, through such a complex consulting firm, which creates added value and provides real support to the customers. Namely, the accountant can be the right hand of the company manager, a positive partner who helps the company to conduct and succeed financially.

We have been working for 17 years to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with a more complex, comprehensive and responsible service in the field of accounting and taxation, unlike traditional accounting and consulting firms. Our offices are in Győr and Budapest, but we can serve our clients throughout the country thanks to our “digital office” services.

The selection of an accountant is a task of confidence. How did you decide who should book for your company?

What else do we provide for you?

We provide a restful everyday life and clear, traceable finances by the accounting and the complex administrative counselling. Extra service, training and personalized services await you, and the certainty that you will not be left alone in your financial decisions.

Our aim is to provide tax, financial, social security, wage and labour advisory services to a high professional standard, and to provide correct declarations and balance sheet reports submitted in accordance with the legal requirements. These means professionally handled cases completed on time, for our ethical, collaborative customers.

Is not tax advice the accountant’s task?

In fact, it is not, traditionally. Tax advice is carried out by a specialized consultant, who must be paid separately. However, as an entrepreneur, you know, that the smallest company cannot exist without tax advice! MASC knows this; therefore, we have incorporated a monthly free tax advice into our accounting service. We can do that because we have the qualifications and decades of experience to it.  Furthermore, we follow legal requirements and regulations on a daily basis.

Do you want the finances of your company in order? We guarantee it!

In many cases, the entrepreneur does not know where his accountant’s responsibility begins and ends. Who pays for the accountant’s omission? So that these doubts do not even come to you, we have expanded our services with liability insurance of high priority and responsibility. The essence of the tax guarantee is that we take responsibility not only morally, but also financially, if we make a mistake.

Accounting and complex administrative counselling in a new timeline: Message from the future

Why do we represent the future? MASC is aware of the market, economic and legislative situation and also knows that it is not worth thinking black. We pay close attention to all our customers, take the time to get to know the company, its operation, and provide personalized service.

Personal advice, dedicated contact, partnership, authenticity, up-to-dateness and calmness.

The MASC does not stand in the line of the negatively judged accountancy offices, but shows that accounting can also be trendy and a necessary good for the smooth and successful operation of the company. By accounting, the company gains data from which its consultants contribute to achieve their goals by freeing up and optimizing hidden resources, and by proactive counselling. Innovative spirit, modern technology, reinterpretation of the administrative and accounting process characterizes our work.

What is that certain message from the future?

Most accountancy and tax advisory offices provide ex-post services to their clients trying to make the best of the negative events that have already occurred. We reversed this process: we are going to get in the way of what’s going on! How? By pre-planning! Since there are many predictable costs and events in the life of each enterprise, and taking these into account, many pitfalls and problems can be avoided.

We provide personal and regular consultation for our partners and make the operation of the enterprise fluent by consultancy and assistance.

At MASC, the accounting is only a tool, not the final goal

MASC wants to be the partner of the business leaders. A partner, with whom they make their business decisions together, and who, with its expertise contributes to the success of companies.